Air India’s New Travel Policy for Retired Employees

Air India recently unveiled a new travel policy affecting its retired employees’ subsidized travel benefits. The revised policy limits the number of “passages” granted to retired employees to a fixed four per year, effective from March 1. Despite concerns over potential elimination with the airline’s privatization, the clarified policy has brought relief to retired employees who can now plan their travels with certainty.

Under this travel benefit, retired employees or their nominees receive free tickets, only paying for the tax component. Travel is subject to seat availability at the time of flight closure, leading to uncertainty during peak seasons. The new policy introduces several rules for booking, including different classes for various job positions at the time of retirement.

The airline emphasizes a code of conduct for those availing the benefits, expecting retired employees and their nominees to represent Air India positively. Prohibitions are in place to prevent any monetary gains from the tickets, and maintaining a clean track record throughout their service is a prerequisite for eligibility.

The revised policy extends the definition of retired employees’ “nominee” to include daughters-in-law, sons-in-law, sibling’s spouses, spouse’s siblings, etc. However, seat allocation priorities remain based on career levels at the time of retirement.

Capt Manoj Hathi, a retired Air India director, expressed gratitude for the acknowledgment of the loyal service provided by retired employees. However, he suggested that retirees should be guaranteed at least two confirmed seats annually to avoid the challenges of uncertain travel plans.

The free passage benefit comes with a deadline, requiring all travel to be completed within the leisure travel year, with no carry-forward allowed. Allotment for the next passage year is done 60 days prior to its start, providing retired employees the opportunity to plan their travels in advance.

The travel benefit is not claimed as a matter of right but is sanctioned at the company’s discretion. Despite the reduced number of passages, the clarified policy brings much-needed clarity and assurance to retired employees, allowing them to continue enjoying the privilege of subsidized travel.

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